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Main Comtent Skiped

At a glance

Charsadipur Union Parishad at a glance

1. Location: Dogachhi Union of Pabna Sadar on the east, Hemayetpur Union on the west, Padma River on the south,

2. Area - 25 square kilometers

3. The population is 1632.

Male-9531, female-9201.

4. Number of voters - 9917

   Male - 4556, female - 4438.

5. Literacy rate - 55%

. Government primary schools - 05

. Primary school registered - 01.

. Satellite schools - 04

9. 01 high school.

10. Number of adult beneficiaries - 333 people.

11. Number of widow beneficiaries - 223

12. Number of disabled beneficiaries - 72

13. Alim Madrasa 01.

14. Hafizia Madrasa 01.

15. Ebatedayi Madrasa 02.

16. Union Health and Family Welfare Center 01.

16. 03 community clinics.

16. The total road length is 26 km

19. The paved road is 08 kilometers

20. 20 km of unpaved road

21. The number of villages is 9

22. The number of mouzas is 10.

23. Total number of holdings is 3392.

 Village based holding number

1. Bhairabpara 482

2. Bagunda 338.

3. Chandpur 534.

4. Srikol 193.

5. Ghoshpur 338.

6. North Sadipur 340.

7. Sadipur 520

8. Gobindpur 420.

9. 240 barriers.